The Funniest NBA Fan Signs
1- Lincredible Vibes
Maybe this girl knows more about Jeremy Lin than we do. More likely, she has a crippling case of Linsanity.
2- Pau the Llama
I've always known Pau Gasol had a strong resemblance to some farm
animal, I just could never pinpoint which one. Thank you to this fan for
helping me to see the....llama.
3- Paul Pierce Has a Better Parking Spot than You
Paul Pierce is old, and old athletes are the easiest of targets. But
seriously, I bet his parking spot at the Garden is phenomenal.
4- Yeah, Right.
As the stalwart playoff contender and model franchise in the NBA, the
San Antonio Spurs have made consistency and team play their recipe for
consistent success. So, to suggest any night in San Antonio is "Nasty
Time" is like saying Grandpa Marvin is getting freaky on Bingo Night,
it's just not happening.
5- The Ire of Cleveland
Lebron used to be a king in Cleveland, so by joining another elite
player he is a prince. Is this going to be part of the next Game of
Thrones episode?