How to Lose Weight Without Working Out
1- Eat Spicier Foods
Eating spicy food can help you lose weight by kicking your metabolism
into gear. It also helps to burn the excess energy in the same way your
muscles do. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons you will lose weight with
spicy foods is that they help to suppress appetite.
2- Take the Guesswork Out
Do you know why In-N-Out Burger has been such a success for years? Sure,
they make a great burger, fries and shakes, but studies have shown that
it comes down to their simple menu with clear options that makes them
such a go-to for hungry diners. Organize a simple menu for yourself to
stick by. Rotate between three to four healthy options each for
breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and stick to them no matter what.
3- Ditch White Carbs
White carbs do nothing for you but turn to sugar almost instantly. They
also cause you to bloat in none of the places you want to bloat. Make
the switch to brown rice, whole grain, breads and pastas.
4- Don't Eat Alone
When you eat alone, you’re more likely to make unhealthy choices. Having
someone there to observe your food choices will put the pressure on to
make better decisions. Try to find someone you can be accountable to
like a spouse, co-worker or friend.
5- Eat At the Table
Eating at the table is more important to weight loss than it seems. When
eating in front of the television, people are often unaware of how
their body is reacting and they will eat beyond the point of feeling
full. When people eat standing at the fridge instead of serving portions
onto a plate, they often consume larger servings and eat more calories
than they need.